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About Knights Who Say Ni

Welcome to the Knights Who Say Ni of Quel'Dorei Website. We are an easy going, close knit guild of mostly adults who enjoy all aspects of the game.


Interested in joining?  Please fill out an application by clicking the link to the right!


New to Ni?  Please visit the forum dedicated to new guildies here!  The forum if full of valuable information that'll help you get the most from our guild.


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10 Years in KWSN

by >Feaver<, 2517 days ago

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Ni Family Reunion 2017

by >Feaver<, 2517 days ago

Were you unable to make it to the Ni meetup this year? Fret not! Many photos were snapped and are being shared on the guild's Facebook page!

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Ni Family Reunion Schedule

by Shortngeeky, 2534 days ago


I'll be setting up around Noon if you are there early, bored, and want to help!


4pm - Official Kickoff! Be at the meeting stone at 4pm to meet your guildies for a night of memories, raid feasts, games and loot!

5pm - Dinner! Pre-Raid Feast provided by Guild Lead!  Choice of BBQ with Cole Slaw and Baked Beans or Assorted Pizzas. There will also be fruit, veggies, and snacks available throughout the night.

6pm - Ni games and loot!!!

9pm until ??  - Ni After Dark!  Ni after dark is just like it is in the guild. Cupcake rule is dropped and Short's bar will be open!  We have Cards Against Humanity and a lot of booze. If you are a wine person BYOB because I don't know what is good vs Bleh =P I do have plenty of hard liquor and stuff to mix them in. If you are driving or under 21 there will be snacks and sodas too!



Sunday is open house style for anyone wanting to explore Nashville with family or guild friends. I will be in the meeting room with the following activities for anyone staying in!


12:30 pm - Warcraft Movie


3pm - PS4/Nintendo Switch/Board Games


5pm - Dinner Break - Go grab something good in Nashville or at the restaurant connected to the hotel!


7pm - Monty Python and the Holy Grail


9pm until ??  - Ni After Dark!  Ni after dark is just like it is in the guild. Cupcake rule is dropped and Short's bar will be open!  We have Cards Against Humanity and a lot of booze. If you are a wine person BYOB because I don't know what is good vs Bleh =P I do have plenty of hard liquor and stuff to mix them in. If you are driving or under 21 there will be snacks and sodas too!

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Drax57: $75.00
Anonymous: $75.00
Drax57: $75.00
Drax57: $75.00
ejunk: $25.00
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